Social Networking

1. Be cautious about how much personal information you provide on social networking sites.   The more information you post, the easier it may be for a hacker to use that information to steal your identity or access your data.

2. Learn about and use the privacy settings on social networks.

3. Protect your reputation on social networks. What you post online stays online forever.  Think twice before posting pictures you wouldn’t want your parents or future employers to see.

4. Limit your social network to “real” friends: people you know, trust, and want to keep up- to-date about your activities. If you’re trying to create a public persona as a blogger or expert, create a separate, more open profile and limit personal information there.

5. If a friend posts something about you that makes you uncomfortable or you think is inappropriate, let them know. Likewise, stay open-minded if a friend approaches you because something you’ve posted makes him or her uncomfortable.