May 03, 2011

An Overview of Events

planning an event at Lewis & Clark

When planning an event at Lewis & Clark, you will need to consider scheduling and promotion.


Scheduling involves finding the right time and venue for your event. To reserve space and ensure your event won’t conflict with any other scheduled events, talk to the appropriate events office: Office of Conferences and Events (for events on the undergrad and grad campuses) or Law Events (for events on the law campus).

See also: “How to reserve space for your event.”


Once your venue is reserved, the following steps can help you spread the word about your event.

Events Calendar

The main promotional tool for at events Lewis & Clark is our online calendar, which pulls together the web calendars of individual departments, offices, etc., into one place. The tool we use for this is our LiveWhale content management system, and each item that is added to LiveWhale’s events system automatically displays on both the group’s site as well as the central calendar.

See also: “How to get access to the LiveWhale CMS.”

Featured Events

Events of particular interest or importance may be selected to be listed in our Featured Events area, which appears on the homepages and on our internal news site, The Source. To have your event considered for inclusion in Featured Events, please contact Emily Miller (x7960 or

External Publicity

If you’re interested in reaching out to the media or having your event advertised, please contact Emily Miller in Public Relations (x7960 or to get the ball rolling. The earlier you get in touch, the more we can do to help you!

E-mail Listservs

To submit your event for inclusion in the announcement e-mails to students on each campus, use the following contact information:

  • For the college’s weekly Opportunities and Announcements email, contact
  • For the law school’s weekly and daily announcement emails, contact
  • For the graduate school’s weekly email, contact
Other Resources

You may also be interested in posting your event to one or more of the following sites: