Letters From Readers

Letters from Readers.

Fred Wilson: Master Squash Player

I enjoyed your article about Fred Wilson in the spring 2011 Chronicle. I attended Lewis & Clark from 1966 to 1970 and have two fond memories of Fred.

He was a master squash player and taught squash for a PE credit. At the end of the class, our entire grade was based on playing a game against Fred. He spotted each of us 10 of the 11 points and let us serve first. If you beat him, you got an A; if not, a C. Needless to say, we all received Cs.

One year, I was in a child psychology class. As part of the class, we ran a day care center, primarily for faculty children. I was assigned to monitor one of Fred’s boys and present a report to Fred and his wife at the end of the term. I remember sweating blood as I went to their house. Fred and his wife were wonderful and made me feel very comfortable. Thanks again for the nice memorial for Fred Wilson.

Jon Schunke BA ’70

Covington, Washington