September 10, 2009

Adding an Event – a Quick Overview

How to add your events into the LiveWhale content management system

Watch the video below for a quick overview on adding your events in LiveWhale.



To add a new event to your site in LiveWhale, begin by logging into
and clicking the Events button or tab.

Next, click “Add a New Event.” 

You will see the space reservation screen pop up.  If you do not need to reserve space, you can go right through to the “Add Event” page.

You will need to give your event at least the following items:

  • a Title
  • a Start Date
  • a Location
  • a Summary
  • a Description
  • at least one descriptive Tag. 

I will title this event, “community BBQ,” and give it the date of December 27.  (If you do not give anymore date information, it will assume it is an all-day event.) I’ll say it is at Templeton Campus Center.  I’ll give it some content for its summary and description. I’ll give it some sample tags of “open to the public” and “staff event” and “student event” and “faculty event.”

If I were instead having a more private meeting, say for only members of pubcom, I could give it a tag like “private meeting.”

 So after tagging, that’s it. That’s all I need to tell it.  I could hit save and be done.

Beyond that, however, I can add additional information like:

  • more detailed date and time data,
  • limited registrations ( a sort of sign-up sheet, as it were),
  • and starring (which makes the item display in bold in your event list). 

You can also add images or galleries.

Make sure to switch the event status from Hidden to Live makes your event visible on your site.

And be sure to hit Save this event at the bottom of the page and you are done.

You can see now that the event, Community BBQ, is listed here on December 27.  And it will now also be on my homepage.