Personal Protective Equipment

Lewis & Clark College
Facilities Services
Policy and Procedure

Subject: Personal Protective Equipment
Policy #:
Division: Business and Finance
Department: Facilities Services
Date: May 2012


To provide guidance to Lewis & Clark College personnel determining when personal protective equipment (PPE) is appropriate, and how to select, use maintain and eventually dispose of PPE. OAR 437, Division 2, Subdivision I, “Personal Protective Equipment†shall be considered the College’s minimum standard for PPE.

Policy Statement:

The College’s PPE should only be used when it is impossible or impractical to eliminate or control a hazardous exposure at its source either permanently or temporarily when there are employees exposed. Every effort must be taken to first eliminate the hazard. If elimination is not possible, the next step is to put in effective engineering controls. When elimination and engineering controls are not possible, an attempt will be made to eliminate exposure through administrative controls.

Only when the above have proven unfeasible, will the College use PPE to protect against hazardous exposures. PPE will always be used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions as a interim measure until other control measures are identified so as to reduce the frequency and severity of injuries or illnesses.


The Risk Management Coordinator is responsible for seeing that all personnel who are, or are likely to be, exposed to hazardous conditions are appropriately trained, supervised, and required to follow PPE safety rules. The Risk Management Coordinator or his designees are to provide employee training as described in the subsection below entitled “Trainingâ€. The Risk Management Coordinator will select appropriate PPE with participation from exposed employees. The Risk Management Coordinator will certify and maintain records of training.

Employees are responsible to use, maintain and dispose of PPE appropriately. Employees hall check the condition of their equipment before each shift. Employees should provide feedback to their supervisors about fit, comfort and suitability of PPE being selected. Employees must notify their department supervisors any time they have a question or concern about their safety or the safety of others.

Hazard Assessment:

The Risk Management Coordinator will conduct worksite/task analysis to identify hazardous exposures to employees. The “Personal Protective Equipment Survey†form is to be utilized (see appendix A). The analysis will be reviewed semi-annually or updated when the hazardous exposures change. In those work sites/tasks that expose personnel to hazardous conditions which cannot be eliminated or controlled by other measures, PPE usage is the joint responsibility of both department supervisors and employees.


Minimum training shall include:

  1. When the use of PPE is necessary.
  2. What PPE is appropriate.
  3. How to properly put on, adjust, use, and remove PPE.
  4. Limitations of PPE.
  5. Where to get PPE.
  6. The proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE.

Once training is completed, employees must demonstrate correct use, care, etc. of PPE. Trained employees must complete and sign the PPE test. Only after receiving training and answering the quiz questions correctly (100% correct answers) may personnel be allowed to work in hazardous conditions involving the use of PPE.

Retraining is necessary when any employee fails to properly utilize PPE or as conditions change, or PPE needs change.

PPE Selection:

Eye & Face Protection: Employees must use appropriate eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metals, liquid chemicals, corrosives, gases, vapors, or potentially hazardous light radiation. Requirements for side protection, prescription lenses, filter lenses and identification of manufacturer are detailed in OAR 437 Division 2/I. Eye and face PPE must comply with ANSI Z87.1-1989 or be demonstrated to be equally effective. Laser operations require specially designed safety goggles which are specific to the wavelength of light involved.

Head Protection: Employees must wear protective helmets when working in areas where there is a potential for injury to the head from employee initiated impact or impact from falling or other moving objects. Protective helmets will comply with ANSI z89.1-1986 or be equally effective.

Foot Protection: Employees must wear protective foot wear when working areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or form objects piercing the sole , and where employee’s feet are exposed to electrical hazards. PPE for foot protection must comply with ANSI Z41.1-1991 or be equally effective.

Special types of shoes or foot guards are required when special hazard conditions exist (e.g. leggings or high weather boots for hot surfaces/substances and rubber boots for toxic chemicals).

Hand Protection: Employees must use appropriate hand protection when their hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of harmful chemicals, severe cuts or lacerations, severe abrasions, punctures, chemicals burns, and harmful temperature extremes. Supervisors must base the selection hand protection on the performance characteristics of the hand protection relative to the specific tasks to be performed, conditions present, duration of use, and the hazards or potential hazards identified.

Respiratory Protection: Employees will use appropriate respiratory protection when adequate ventilation, substitution of less toxic materials, or other primary control measures is not possible. Respiratory protection must comply with ANSI Z288.2-1969.

Fall Protection: Fall protection must be provided when employees are exposed to a vertical fall of six feet or more over a lower level or at any height above dangerous equipment. Fall protection will consist of either passive (i.e. safety net) or active (i.e. lifelines, body belts, harnesses, or lanyards) fall preventing devices. Fall protection must comply with ANSI A10.14-1991 and the provisions of OAR 437, Division 2, Subdivision 125.

Electrical Protection: Electrical protective equipment such as insulating blankets, matting, covers, lines hoses, gloves, and sleeves must be provided to employees who are exposed to electrical hazards. Electrical protective equipment will comply with the requirements of OAR 437, Division 2, Subdivision I, 1910.137.

Additional Protective Equipment: Additional protective equipment as required by OAR 437-02-123 will be provided as follows:

(1) Appropriate high temperature protective clothing for employees exposed to molten metals.

(2) Skin barrier materials such as coverings, ointments, and gloves for employees exposed to corrosive or irritating chemicals.

(3) Rings, watches, or other personal jewelry is prohibited from areas where employees may contact nip points or moving parts of machinery.

(4) Clothing that is excessively loose, frayed, or otherwise prone to being caught in the moving parts of machinery is prohibited from the work place. Chemically contaminated clothing must be removed immediately.


Department heads will monitor work site tasks for the introduction of new hazards or changes in existing hazards. If new hazards are discovered, task analysis will be conducted to identify appropriate PPE. A work site inspection of PPE use and maintenance will be conducted by department heads at least semi-annually.

The Lewis & Clark College Risk Management Supervisor will monitor the effectiveness of this plan and make recommendations for improvement.


1. List the types of PPE required for each of the tasks you perform that expose you to hazards requiring the use of PPE.

2. What are the hazards you are being protected against for each type of PPE used in your job?

3. Describe the procedures for the use and care of the PPE you are using.

4. What should you look for to determine that the PPE you are using is in good working order?

5. What actions do you take when your PPE becomes defective?


I or my designee have personally trained __________________________ and answered all questions pertaining to the proper use and care of PPE. I certify that the above named person has adequate knowledge and ability to properly use and maintain the PPE associated his or her job.

___________________________________ ___________________

Trainer’s Signature Date

I have been adequately trained in the use and maintenance of the PPE used to protect against the hazards of my job tasks. The above referenced trainer has answered all questions to my satisfaction and I understand that the trainer will be available for any future questions or training as required by the changing circumstances of my job.

___________________________________ __________________

Employee’s Signature Date