Employee Benefits Committee




CFO and VP of Operations

Andrea Dooley 

VP, General Counsel, Chief of Staff and Board Secretary

David Reese


Helen Howell

Dean of Equity and Inclusion

Danielle Torres

CAS Faculty

Yung-Pin Chen

CAS Staff

Mark Pietrok

LAW Faculty

Sarah Lora

LAW Staff

David Carter

GRAD Faculty

Amy Rees

GRAD Staff

Sharon Chinn

Common Services

Kelly DelFatti


Michelle Pennock

Teamster Union

Amanda Wilson

Director of Internal Communications 

Vanessa Holmgren


I. Introduction

The Employee Benefits Committee (EBC) at Lewis & Clark College provides oversight, guidance, and recommendations related to employee benefits programs. The committee’s primary objective is to ensure that the institution offers competitive and comprehensive benefits packages that attract, retain, and support a diverse and talented workforce.

II. Mission

The Employee Benefits Committee is dedicated to:

  • Advising the institution’s leadership on the design, implementation, and administration of employee benefits programs to meet the diverse needs of our employees.
  • Reviewing and analyzing the current benefits offerings and recommending enhancements, changes, or updates as necessary to remain competitive and aligned with institutional goals and resources.

The Employee Benefits Committee also supports the institution’s Human Resources staff in:

  • Ensuring transparency and effective communication between the institution and its employees regarding benefits-related matters.
  • Promoting and supporting initiatives that promote the well-being of our employees.

III. Committee Composition

A. Membership

The Employee Benefits Committee shall consist of a diverse group of representatives, including but not limited to:

  1. Chair: Benefits & Leaves Specialist ( required )
  2. CFO and VP of Operations ( required )
  3. Vice President, General Counsel, Chief of Staff and Board Secretary ( required )
  4. AVP of HR ( required )
  5. Dean of Equity and Inclusion ( required )
  6. Director of Internal Communications and Community Engagement ( required )
  7. CAS Faculty (appointed by the CAS Dean)
  8. CAS Exempt Staff (jointly appointed by the CAS Dean, VP of Student Life, and VP of Admissions)
  9. LAW Faculty (appointed by the Law Dean)
  10. LAW Exempt Staff (appointed by the Law Dean)
  11. GRAD Faculty (appointed by the Grad Dean)
  12. GRAD Exempt Staff (appointed by the Grad Dean)
  13. Common Services (appointed by Chief of Staff)
  14. LCCSSA Union (appointed by the union president)
  15. Teamster Union (appointed by the union president)

B. Term of Service

Members who do not have a position for which committee membership is required will serve for a term of 3 years, renewable as necessary, starting in October and ending in May. The Chief of Staff has the authority to appoint ad-hoc members as needed.

C. Guests

The following guests are invited to attend committee meetings:

  1. AVP of Office of Financial Planning and Analysis
  2. Associate Director of HR
  3. Benefit Broker Team

IV. Responsibilities

  • Benefits Program Evaluation: Review and assess the effectiveness of existing benefits programs and recommend improvements or changes to ensure their alignment with institutional goals, resources and industry best practices.
  • Feedback and Communication: Support Human Resources staff in collecting feedback from employees and sharing relevant information about benefits, ensuring transparency in benefits-related matters.
  • Policy Recommendations: Recommend policy changes, updates, or additions that impact employee benefits programs.
  • Market Research: Stay informed about the competitive landscape of employee benefits in higher education and recommend adjustments to remain competitive.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Review and analyze the financial implications of proposed benefits changes and provide recommendations to maintain cost-effectiveness.
  • Education and Communication: Partner with Human Resources staff in promoting awareness and understanding of benefits programs among employees and assist in the development of educational materials.

V. Meetings

The committee shall meet at least monthly throughout the academic year and on dates and times that meet members’ schedules as follows: :

  • October
  • November
  • December (open enrollment focused)
  • January (open enrollment focused)
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May

Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed. Meetings may be conducted in person, virtually, or using a hybrid model to accommodate the needs of members.

VI. Operating Principles

The Employee Benefits Committee shall operate according to the following principles:

  • Inclusivity: The committee will actively seek input from diverse employee groups to ensure that benefits recommendations reflect the needs and concerns of all constituents.
  • Confidentiality: Committee members shall handle sensitive information regarding employee benefits with the utmost confidentiality. When confidential or sensitive information is shared, the committee will be explicitly notified about any communication limitations.

VII. Reporting

The committee will post an annual report at the end of the academic year summarizing its activities, progress, and recommendations.

IX. Review

This charter shall be reviewed annually and, if necessary, amended to ensure it aligns with the changing needs of the institution and its employees.