
To maintain eligibility, students must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Students must notify the School Certifying Official if they change their degree or program objective (major or minor).
  • Students must report to the School Certifying Official of any changes in their enrollment status.
  • Students must submit a Certification Request for Veterans Benefits to the School Certifying Official each academic year.
  • Students must maintain satisfactory academic standing.

Only courses that apply to a student’s declared degree or program objective are eligible for certification with the VA. The student will be responsible for any tuition or fees associated with courses that are not applicable to the student’s declared degree or program objective.

Courses taken as audit (audits are not available to undergraduate students), repeats of successfully completed classes, and courses in which a “W” grade is earned are not eligible for certification.

  • For courses graded with a “W” the student will be responsible for any overpayment situation that may occur with the VA.
  • Incomplete grades must be completed within the timeframe set by the instructor and cannot exceed one year or an overpayment will occur.

For Chapters 30, 1606, and 1607 only:

Students who receive benefits under Chapter 30, 1606, and 1607 must verify their enrollment monthly directly with the VA using WAVE, an online verification enrollment tool. The earliest students can verify their enrollment is the last calendar day of each month.

WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment):  https://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/