
Phase I Planning/Preparation — status as of 11/11



Develop scheme for creating user accounts

Complete 9/9

Set up test domain account

Complete 9/9

Test provisioning on test account

Complete 9/9

Test Google Apps product suite

Complete 9/9

Test DNS resolution from all network locations to Google Apps

Complete 9/9

Test ICMP connectivity from all network locations to Google Apps

Complete 9/9

Test TCP/UDP reliability from all locations to Google Apps

Complete 9/9

Open firewalls to Google Apps ports

Complete 9/9

Develop scheme for importing/creating passwords

Complete 9/23

Develop scheme for data migration (1)

Complete 9/23

Develop scheme for mail architecture & delivery

Complete 9/23

Set tentative Go Live dates

Complete 9/9

Develop scheme for marketing

Complete 9/13

Develop scheme for training

Complete 9/19

Enable contact sharing

Complete 10/21

Confirm Go Live dates

Complete 9/23

Determine ownership

Complete 9/23

Decide user groups/services (2)

Complete 9/23

Choose name for email service & collaboration suite

Complete 9/28

Customize/upload logo

Complete 9/19

Customize login page

Complete 11/4

Customize support contact information

Complete 11/4

Create informational flyers & posters for announcement


Informational website (3)

Complete 11/4

Client Services training (4)

Moved to Phase II

Customize documentation for Pilot (5)

Complete 11/7

Modify provisioning methods

Complete 11/4

Modify migration strategies

Complete 11/8

Confirm mail architecture plans

Complete 11/4

Email existing Google accounts (6)

Removed Task

Create Google accounts for all L&C users

Removed Task
















































1 Develop scheme for data migration

Wayne Ohmer, Database Administrator, and Chris Stevens, Director of Network/Telecommunications Services, are responsible for this task. 

The two options for data migration include an opt-in period to allow users to migrate voluntarily, terminating in a non-voluntary migration for those who have not yet migrated, or a single massive migration of all email accounts on one day.

The culture of the L&C community leads us to favor the opt-in option, if possible.

Update: Opt-in is possible and will be the option pursued.


2Decide user groups/services

Google Apps for Education provide for the option of including several applications for all users, or to include different access for different groups, such as Faculty, Staff, Students and Alumni.  The primary applications are Mail, Calendar, Docs (Cloud-based word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, drawing and file storage), Groups, and Sites.  Optional applications not included in our support agreement, but available for association with our domain include such popular Google products as Blogger, Maps, YouTube, Earth, and many others.

 Update: All community members will have access to the same services with the exception of Video, due to its limited storage and uploader licenses.  Alumni will be supported within Google Apps for the first year after their graduation, per the current policy.


3Informational website

This is to provide information about the Google Migration and the included apps to the Lewis & Clark community, and will provide links to customized documentation as well as an FAQ page. While the ultimate responsibility lies with Julio Appling, he will be receiving assistance from Miranda Carney-Morris and Elizabeth Young as needed.


4Client Services training/certification

 Google offers a six-part online training course in their Apps for Education suite, including modules in Apps Overview, Mail, Calendar, Docs, Sites, and Other Tools.  They also offer a Certified Trainer qualification exam, allowing for an official “stamp of approval” from Google and granting access to additional marketing support and training opportunities.  This allows for the Client Services group to offer more in-depth training to the L&C community, including specific academic usage of the Google App suite.

 Update: Due to the workload of the Client Serviced staff during this phase, we have postponed the certification requirement until December.

5Customize documentation 

Google provides a great deal of documentation for new users of their App suite.  The intention is to sift through their documentation and customize it for the L&C community.  The group will also create some documentation specific to the migration of existing accounts.


6Email blast for existing Google accounts

Some members of the campus community have created Google accounts using their logins; these cannot be migrated to the Google Apps domain.  When a new account is created for these users in the lclark Google domain they will receive an email from Google informing them that they have to rename their Google account.  This email blast to the community will let them know to expect this email from Google, explain the reasons behind it, and assure them that the email is legitimate and not a Phishing email.

 Update: We have moved this email to be part of the January opt-in email, as it was no longer deemed necessary to pre-create accounts for L&C users.