May 26, 2011

Managing your forms

How to manage your forms.

From the LiveWhale interface, click the “Forms” tab. (If the Forms tab does not appear, the administrator has not assigned the forms module to you.)

The manage forms screen will list all forms in your group.

From left to right, each form displays:

  • A checkbox allowing you to select multiple forms and perform bulk actions from the “With checked items…” dropdown menu. Available actions include: delete, remove tags, share, unshare, set status, and add tag. Check the checkbox next to the forms you wish to apply an action to, then select the desired action from this menu and click the “Go” button. Use the “select all” link to select all items in the list.
  • The status menu. If you wish to change the status of forms, select the appropriate status here. “Live” will publish the item immediately, “Hidden” will hide the item from your web site until you are ready to publish it.
  • Title of the form. Click the title to edit the form.
  • If the form is tagged, a list of these tags will appear beside it. Clicking a tag will tell the forms manager to only show forms with that tag.
  • Beneath the form title, a link to view submissions may appear along with the number of submissions received. Please see “Viewing and exporting form submissions” for more information.
  • Beneath the form and submissions link is a link called “Get Widget Code” which will reveal the code required to embed this form in a web page.

To add a new form, click the “Add a New Form” link.

A “Show by tag” dropdown menu is also available to display forms tagged with the selected item.