August 27, 2013

Controlling which Group’s Data a Widget Displays

How to control widget output by group.

Many LiveWhale widgets display group-owned data (such as news items). If you wish to display items from only your group, it is done by adding group argument.

This is desired in most cases, but there may be times when you wish this not to be the case, and functionality is provided in LiveWhale to help control which groups’ data will be included in your widget.

If you wish to display data from a different group, change the name of your group in the group argument to the name of the group you wish to access data for.

If you wish to display data from all groups, delete the group argument. No group argument means all groups’ data will be included in your widget.

If you wish to display data from selected groups, add an additional group argument for each group that you wish to include. You can have as many as you like.

If you wish to display data for all groups except selected groups, delete the group argument (in order to search all groups) but add any number of “exclude_group” arguments, identifying the groups you wish to exclude from the widget results.

The group and exclude_group args can be added to your widget in the widget editor.