Dan Mensher
Daniel Mensher currently practices Complex and Environmental Litigation at Keller Rohrback in Seattle, Washington. Before joining the firm, Dan was a Clinical Professor and Staff Attorney at Earthrise Law Center. He has litigated water and waste cases across the country and is experienced in administrative rulemaking processes. He has also served as a law clerk to the Honorable Rick Haselton of the Oregon Court of Appeals. Dan is a graduate of Wesleyan University with a BA in History, as well as holding an M.S. in Geography from University of Wisconsin. He graduated cum laude from Lewis & Clark Law School, receiving his JD, with an Environmental Law Certificate, in 2007. He is an Executive Board Member for the Oregon State Bar Environmental and Natural Resources Committee as well as a Board Member for Northwest Environmental Defense Center.
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Daniel Mensher currently practices Complex and Environmental Litigation at Keller Rohrback in Seattle, Washington. Before joining the firm, Dan was a Clinical Professor and Staff Attorney at Earthrise Law Center. He has litigated water and waste cases across the country and is experienced in administrative rulemaking processes. He has also served as a law clerk to the Honorable Rick Haselton of the Oregon Court of Appeals. Dan is a graduate of Wesleyan University with a BA in History, as well as holding an M.S. in Geography from University of Wisconsin. He graduated cum laude from Lewis & Clark Law School, receiving his JD, with an Environmental Law Certificate, in 2007. He is an Executive Board Member for the Oregon State Bar Environmental and Natural Resources Committee as well as a Board Member for Northwest Environmental Defense Center.
Earthrise Law Center is located in Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
email earthrise@lclark.edu
voice (503) 768-6736
fax (503) 768-6642
Allison LaPlante
Earthrise Law Center
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219