Commencement Speaker 2020
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To the Class of 2020,
We are excited to announce that this year’s commencement speaker will be Fawn Sharp, fifth term President of the Quinault Indian Nation (2006-present), President of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI), an organization established in 1953 that represents 57 Northwest Tribal Governments (2011-2017); and the President for the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), an organization established in 1944 representing 566 Tribal Nations (2016-2017).
President Sharp received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Washington, School of Law. She also holds an advanced certificate in International Human Rights Law from Oxford University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in criminal justice from Gonzaga University.
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee appointed President Sharp to the Carbon Emissions Reduction Taskforce (CERT) in 2014 to consider measures to offset costs to consumers and businesses, and to design strategies to help energy-intensive industries transition from carbon-based energy sources.
Prior positions include Managing Attorney/Lead Counsel for the Quinault Indian Nation, Quinault Tribal Court Associate Judge; Administrative Law Judge for the Washington State Department of Revenue Tax Appeals Division, and practiced law with the law firm of Phillips, Krause & Brown. Prior to becoming an attorney, Sharp held positions at the US Central Intelligence Agency and the Washington State Department of Corrections.
President Sharp presently resides on the Quinault Indian Reservation at Lake Quinault with her three sons, Daniel, Alijah, Jonas, and daughter, Chiara.
Many thanks to Associate Dean of Student Academic Affairs and Professor of Mathematics, John Krussel, for chairing the commencement speaker committee! We look forward to hearing President Sharp speak at this year’s virtual commencement on Saturday, May 9th at 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time.
Bruce Suttmeier, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences
Robin H. Holmes-Sullivan, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
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Office of Undergraduate Commencement is located in the second floor of Fowler Student Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
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Commencement Coordinator Tamara Ko
Office of Undergraduate Commencement
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219