August 14, 2020

Tori Leder Named L&C Legend

Our first ONE L&C Legend of August is Tori Leder, the Assistant Director of Equity and Inclusion. We wanted to write about Tori and the amazing work she is doing, and to no surprise, she did a better job of telling her story than we ever could:

“I am fortunate enough to be in a role that addresses many issues I am passionate about from topics like racial justice to accessibility to gender diversity and more - my job allows me to work toward creating a community where all of these identities and ideas are prioritized. Creating a more equitable and inclusive world is a personal goal of mine but I am fortunate enough my career also contributes to that as well. Helping facilitate learning moments for my colleagues and students around these topics brings me immense joy. What motivates me is knowing my work is making our community a safer and more welcoming place for the amazing colleagues and students I get to work with everyday. Since George Floyd’s murder and white people’s reckoning with race and oppression in the United States the workload in my office has definitely increased. I am grateful folks are looking to be educated on these topics and want to emphasize everyone needs to be continuously listening to voices of color and other marginalized identities. This is not a “moment” but a lifelong journey and a relearning of how we operate as a country, community, and as individuals - a relearning which has been so necessary, long awaited, and in my opinion one that will make society so much better as a whole. Outside of work I find my joy by seeing my amazing chosen community at a distance (six feet!), teaching and taking yoga and meditation classes, baking, and watching an obscene amount of reality tv.”

Lewis & Clark is lucky to have such an advocate for the underserved impacting so many people across campuses. ONE L&C thanks Tori for her commitment to others and creating a more equitable community for all.