November 13, 2020

Google Spam Filtering

Google’s spam filtering is catching more email these days. Here are some steps you can take to keep from missing important emails.

Some of you may have noticed that Google’s spam filtering is catching more email these days. This is due to the fact that Google has updated their spam algorithms in order to prevent unwanted messages from hitting your inbox. The downside is that spam filtering isn’t always 100% accurate and sometimes legitimate messages inadvertently get marked as spam. Here are some steps you can take to keep from missing important emails when that happens.

  1. Check your spam folder regularly.
  2. Search for email from in your spam folder.
  3. Add trusted senders to your contacts to bypass spam filtering.
  4. Mark and unmark messages as spam when appropriate.

We created a helpful document regarding spam management which can be found on the Service Desk’s FAQ. Hopefully, by keeping a close eye on your spam folder, the risk of missing an important email from someone at the college will be mitigated.

As always, if you run into any issues feel free to give the IT Service Desk a call at 503-768-7225 or email us at