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Global Law Alliance/Nick Fromherz: fighting wildlife trafficking in Peru
July 06, 2021
Global Law Alliance/Nick Fromherz: fighting wildlife trafficking in Peru
Lewis & Clark’s Global Law Alliance for Animals and the Environment (GLA) is engaged in a two-year project – in partnership with the ABA Rule of Law Initiative – to combat wildlife trafficking in Peru. As part of this effort, Senior Attorney Nick Fromherz conducted a comprehensive review of Peru’s current laws and policies relating to wildlife trafficking, generating a series of legal and policy reform recommendations.
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Lewis & Clark’s Global Law Alliance for Animals and the Environment (GLA) is engaged in a two-year project – in partnership with the ABA Rule of Law Initiative – to combat wildlife trafficking in Peru. As part of this effort, Senior Attorney Nick Fromherz conducted a comprehensive review of Peru’s current laws and policies relating to wildlife trafficking, generating a series of legal and policy reform recommendations.
Yesterday (July 5), these recommendations were vetted with government officials in a multi-sectoral workshop. Attendees included representatives from Peru’s national prosecutorial office, judiciary, customs agency, environmental police, forestry authority, wildlife management authority, fisheries management authority, and protected areas agency.
Yesterday (July 5), these recommendations were vetted with government officials in a multi-sectoral workshop. Attendees included representatives from Peru’s national prosecutorial office, judiciary, customs agency, environmental police, forestry authority, wildlife management authority, fisheries management authority, and protected areas agency.
GLA is excited for this opportunity to influence the shape of wildlife law and policy in a biologically diverse country battered by trafficking – and GLA is especially excited to involve Lewis & Clark law students in this kind of work when the fall semester kicks off.
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