July 29, 2021

Computer Replacement Update and FAQ

Do you have questions about updates to classroom or your office computer or about the computer replacement process in general? IT can help answer your questions. 

As we prepare to return to the office, you may have some questions about your office computer, especially around computer replacement. You may have also heard about plans for Fall ’21 classroom computer replacements for College of Arts & Sciences classrooms. IT has some resources available to help answer questions. Please contact us at itservice@lclark.edu with any follow up questions about your specific situation.

  • We’ve changed the computer replacement and deployment process for College of Arts and Sciences and Common Services departments. Learn more on the Service Desk FAQ page.
  • Plan to teach on the Fir Acres Campus this Fall? Computers have been upgraded in most classrooms. Sign up for a workshop in August or schedule a visit to campus and give the equipment in your assigned classroom a test run.
  • For those new to using a Windows PC, a video of our FTI 2021 session Getting Used to Your New Windows PC is available to view here (referenced helpsheet available here). We are also reaching out individually and working with faculty whose institutional machines are due for replacement this year.

IT is committed to making sure you have the tools and information you need to do your job. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at itservice@lclark.edu. We welcome feedback and will work with you to troubleshoot and resolve any compatibility issues.