August 11, 2021

Moodle Updates for 2020-21 Academic Year

Our upgrade from Moodle 3.9 to 3.11 brings with it a number of useful new features.

Improved Visibility of Due Dates and Required Tasks

  • Moodle has made due dates and required actions for activities clearly visible to students and instructors. This information will always be displayed when students click to view an assignment, quiz, forum or other activity in Moodle. Instructors can choose whether students will also see this information on the course page. This important new feature will help students see what assignments are outstanding and what activities they have completed.
  • Students may now manually click a “mark as done” button to complete some tasks.
  • Moodle’s activity completion report now includes more filtering options to view the completion status.
  • Activity completion may be disabled for individual items as well as the entire course. Click here for more information on how to do so.

Improvements to Quizzes

  • Quiz completion may be set depending on the number of attempts, which allows a quiz to be marked as complete before manual grading.
  • Instructors may establish minimum and maximum word requirements for essay questions.
  • Instructors can make changes to the default settings for questions once and have Moodle remember then the next time you create a similar question.
  • Set a size limit for files attached to essay-type questions.
  • Instructors may choose to have the minimum passing grade visible to students on the quiz start page.
  • If enabled by the instructor, students will see a scrolling quiz timer at the top right of the screen which displays remaining time left for the quiz.

Other Improvements

  • Teachers may now enable an option for students to download course content—documents, images, videos—for keeping following the class. For concerns about download size, the maximum file size for download availability may be specified.
  • Improved support for H5P content including gradebook integration, ability to download content, tutorials, and personalization options.
  • If enabled, students have the option to slow down audio or video playback using built-in playback controls.
  • Within the Folder resource, images and HTML files may be viewed directly in the browser without requiring download.

For a complete list of new and updated features see the following: