Support for Contemporary Chemistry
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In response to an application prepared by Associate Professor Anne Bentley on behalf of the Chemistry Department, the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation has awarded Lewis & Clark College an $18,500 grant. This funding will enable the Chemistry Department to bring a leading researcher in the chemical sciences to campus, as well as support two undergraduate students conducting mentored research in contemporary chemistry during the summer. The intention of the Jean Dreyfus Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions program is to allow an external scholar to interact substantially with undergraduate students and faculty. The visiting scholar will likely spend two days on Palatine Hill, interacting with students and faculty, and presenting two campus lectures—one a popular lecture that is accessible and promoted to the larger community and a second more technical one to a targeted scientific audience. The format will follow the previously successful HHMI-supported speaker series from 2008-2016. These lectures will likely coincide with the College’s annual celebration of summer research, near the beginning of the fall semester, in 2022 or 2023.
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Interim Assistant Vice President
Julia Unangst
Research Administrator
Jessica Sweeney, MA
Financial Research Administrator
Nicole Brockway
Sponsored Projects and Research Compliance
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219