November 30, 2021

One L&C Champion - Patrick Ryall

As Director of Academic Operations, Patrick Ryall oversees the IT Academic Operations department. While these past few years have been especially difficult and crazy, Patrick and his team have played a crucial role in supporting faculty and students in the classroom. One colleague noted that “Patrick works odd and sometimes long hours, always does more than he asks his team to do and he always finds a way to make things better for our students and faculty.” His dedication to the people of Lewis & Clark and improving the overall community are just a few of the reasons we’ve named Patrick a One L&C Champion.

Although the majority of his work happens behind the scenes, Patrick generally prefers it that way. We are thankful he’s allowed One L&C to shine a spotlight back on him. Patrick started at Lewis & Clark in December of 1999, and while we can’t confirm or deny it, legend has it that he even helped the college avert Y2K. After 22 years serving Lewis & Clark, Patrick is retiring in 2022, and we could not be more appreciative of his commitment to Lewis & Clark. Please read his direct quotes below to learn more about why Patrick is a Champion.


“I really appreciate being selected as an L&C Champion! However, to be fair, this would be impossible without my employees. I have had the good fortune to have an outstanding team, and some great student assistants, which make me and my department look good. I’m also deeply appreciative of my colleagues in IT, who help us in so many ways, with good humor; and administrators that have largely trusted me to operate my department without micromanagement.

With all the crises we’ve faced the past couple of years, my team has been challenged and many times exhausted, but so have we all, and it’s been really cool to participate in the team effort it took to get L&C through the roughest days. At the end of a stressful day, it’s nice to have a wee dram of excellent (i.e NOT cheapo Jameson) Irish whisky–my wife is really knowledgeable about this spirit!–and tuck into a book or a crossword puzzle.

It’s frequently difficult for my team, but we know the efforts we make now are playing a part in educating some of tomorrow’s leaders, who will hopefully make the world a better place than the mess we have now.”