Student Center Renovation Begins Next Week, Continues Through Dec. 2022
Dear LC Community,
With the efforts and dedication of so many working together, the Templeton renovation is right around the corner. Construction will begin on December 16, and is scheduled to be completed one year later, in January of 2023.
Throughout the planning phase, we have focused on open and ongoing communication with building occupants, especially student organizations. It is now time to broaden that communication to the entire L&C community. We will provide updates and information to you on a regular basis throughout the project. You’ll also want to check in on the project webcam that will be installed soonon this page, and follow L&C’s social media channels for updates.
We will do our best to keep Templeton operational during construction. That said, there will be significant and ongoing changes to the space during the active construction phase.
We are focused on completing the following tasks before December 16:
- Preparing to move the Mailroom to lower McAfee.
- Reconfiguring the Bookstore entrance (previous entrance from corridor will be in the construction zone).
- Conducting an inventory of student organizations and office furniture, relocating basic storage and identifying areas for deep storage.
- Installing signage at each operational entrance to the building as a guide during construction. Signage will be located at the northwest Fields double doors, north vestibule entrance leading to the Bookstore, southeast first floor entrance, and south first floor entrance.
During construction, please be aware of the following:
- The Bookstore and Career Center will remain open through the north entrance only.
- Fields Dining Hall on the third floor will be open throughout the renovation, and only accessed through NW entrance.
- Additionally on the third floor, Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement, International Students and Scholars, and the Center for Social Change and Community Involvement will remain open during construction. These offices can only be accessed via elevator or the east stairway.
- A temporary ADA restroom trailer will be installed just north of the Fields Dining Hall entrance, and will be the primary restroom serving Fields Dining Hall.
- The Student Health Center, Registrar, Student and Departmental Account Services, and Financial Aid will remain open and accessible throughout construction, through the east stairwell and lower lot side entrance.
Parking impact:
- The lower Templeton lot will be closed for all of 2022.
- The Stewart-Odell parking circle will be closed, and Templeton Way will be limited to buses, deliveries, campus safety vehicles, and facilities.
- Facilities vehicles will be repositioned to reduce parking pressure.
You may need to use alternative parking lots:
- The graduate school gravel lot is located on Palatine Hill Road. Drive past the graduate school, follow the bend of the road, go to the end of the hedge on the right hand side, turn right to enter. The walk to Templeton takes roughly ten minutes and is mostly downhill.
- The St. Mark Presbeterian Church parking lot is located across Terwilliger Blvd. from Riverdale High School at 9750 SW Terwilliger Blvd. For your walk up the hill to campus, be sure to utilize the law school trail, located across the street, at the intersection of SW Boones Ferry and Terwilliger. The trail has lights and provides protection from the road.
If you have questions about the Templeton project, please feel free to reach out to Facilities Capital Project Coordinator Ryan Gardner ( And thanks for being patient during the project. It will be worth it!
Andrea Dooley
Vice President and CFO
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