Templeton Construction Impacts TriMet and Pio Shuttle Stops Effective Feb. 14
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The Templeton Student Center renovation is keeping all of us in the L&C community on our toes this year.
The most recent change affects the Pioneer Express shuttle and TriMet Bus 39. Routes and stop locations will be adjusted due to construction starting Monday, February 14, 2022.
TriMet Bus 39: New stop located on Huddleston Drive between the Forest residence halls and Odell residence hall.
Pio Express Shuttle: New stop located on the north side of the Upper Griswold Parking Lot.
Passengers with ADA challenges should use TriMet bus stop (#11311) just outside of Gate 3, for both pick and drop off.
The Pio Express will enter Gate 2, drop off near the concessions booth at Griswold and depart out of Gate 3. Upon exiting Gate 3, drivers will stop for passengers waiting at the TriMet stop #11311 location.
Download PDF map with new shuttle and bus stop changes.
Visit this page and follow L&C’s social media channels for Templeton construction updates.
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Associate Vice President of Facilities Services David Ernevad
Facilities Services
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219