May 31, 2022

Changes to Covid Notification Protocol, CAS Mask Wearing Rules, and Isolation Requirements

With the spring semester behind us, the college has revised its Covid notification procedures in light of the significant reduction in density on campus and in response to revised state regulations.

Contact Tracing and Notification

We will continue to provide contact tracing over the summer whenever notified of a positive case. Any person identified as a close contact of a positive case on campus will be notified by email as soon as possible. We will update overall Covid case numbers on the Confirmed Case Status Report webpage on a weekly basis. However, we have discontinued sending daily campus-wide emails about positive cases.


The temporary mask requirements on the CAS campus have been lifted. This means that masks are no longer required in Watzek Library, Pamplin, or residence hall common areas. Masks may continue to be required at specific events, or in specific areas, and any such requirements will be clearly communicated by the relevant dean, vice president, event organizer, or office. In addition, masks remain required for anybody who has been exposed as a close contact of a person with Covid within the last ten days, and for anybody who has completed their isolation period after testing positive for Covid in the last ten days. Members of the campus community should make their own decision about mask wearing, taking into account their own particular risk factors, and keeping in mind Multnomah County’s recommendation of voluntary indoor mask wearing.

Isolation Guidance

We are also updating our guidance regarding isolation for positive cases, in line with the most recent CDC recommendations:

We have also updated our guidance to students who remain on campus due to the closure of Health Services for the summer.

Questions may be directed to at (which is monitored during business hours, Monday through Friday, holidays excluded).