Jerry Harp

Associate Professor with Term of the Humanities

Miller  417, MSC: 58
Office Hours:

Fall 2024: Tuesdays 1-3 & by appointment.

Jerry Harp’s books of poems are Spirit under Construction (NeoPoiesis, 2017), Urban Flowers, Concrete Plains (Salt Publishing, 2006), Gatherings (Ashland Poetry Press, 2004), and Creature (Salt Publishing, 2003). He has edited, with Jan Weissmiller, A Poetry Criticism Reader (University of Iowa Press, 2006). His reviews and essays appear regularly in Pleiades. He was a visiting professor at Kenyon College from 2001 to 2004. 


Renaissance Literature, Contemporary Poetry, Poetry Writing

Academic Credentials

PhD University of Iowa, 2002
MFA University of Florida, 1991
MA Saint Louis University, 1985
BA Saint Meinrad College, 1983 



Fall 2024

ENG 201-F1: Poetry 1/ Inside-Out Prison Exchange/ CRCI

ENG 301-01: Poetry 2

Location: Miller Hall