Emily, smiling, standing at a hiking trail in the forest with a large backpack and walking stick.

Emily Clark BA ’22

Summary (one line)

tells us how College Outdoors helped her create community here at Lewis & Clark.

YouTube ID



Hi! My name is Emily Clark, I use she/her pronouns, I’m from Whitefish, Montana and I’ve been involved with College Outdoors since I was a freshman here, and I’m now a trip leader as a senior and it’s just been really awesome to build community throughout my four years. I’ve met so many new people and I now have so many faces to say “Hi” to on campus because of this program. I think it’s just really cool. Bonding with people in the outdoors is easier–there are fewer distractions and it’s just cool exploring new environments with all of these students. I think the new student trips that we offer freshmen are a really great way to build community before you even start Lewis & Clark–and you have a support system of trip leaders who have experienced what college here is like so that’s really awesome! I think people go on these trips for a lot of different reasons, whether it’s to develop new outdoor skills or just wanting to explore Oregon and Washington. Either way, you’re meeting new people and they’re all stoked to be there!