Whistleblower Process and Protection Policy

Lewis & Clark College has a deep commitment to responsible stewardship of its resources and is committed to compliance with the laws and regulations to which it is subject. Consistent with this commitment, this policy provides an avenue for employees to report concerns about suspected misconduct, dishonesty, non-compliance with laws, or fraud without fear of retaliation.

Lewis & Clark’s internal controls and operating procedures are intended to identify and to prevent violations of policies or procedures, and to detect and deter improper activities. However, while the College has adopted safeguards, intentional and unintentional violations of laws, regulations, policies and procedures may occur.

It is important for all College employees, students, parents, alumni, and other individuals to report facts which may indicate that a law, regulation or policy has been violated without fear of any form of reprisal or retaliation. To ensure unfettered, good faith reporting, it is the policy of the College that no one who, in good faith, reports a suspected violation of law, policy or procedure will suffer any form of retaliation, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or any adverse employment, academic or educational consequence on account of such report. It is the intention of the College to take whatever action may be necessary to prevent and/or correct violations of this policy.

Any person who wishes to report suspected violations may do so by several different means. It is always recommended that reports be written. Written reports may be submitted to the appropriate vice president or dean with reporting authority over the area of concern or to the Vice President, Chief of Staff, General Counsel and Board Secretary. A reporting form may be found online here. A report against a suspected violator within the offices of the President or the Vice President, Chief of Staff, General Counsel and Board Secretary, or if the person filing the report is uncertain as to the division in which a suspected violator is in, such report should be directed to the attention of the Chair of the College’s Audit Committee.

The College has also created an anonymous reporting mechanism. The establishment of an anonymous mechanism for reporting has been recommended as a “best practice” for nonprofits by organizations such as the College by the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The Audit Committee of our Board of Trustees and Executive Council of the College agree with this recommendation.

If an individual wishes to make an anonymous report, instructions regarding the types of issues that may be reported anonymously and the procedures for making such a report may be found online here

Approval Date

Approved by the Executive Council, April 19, 2024