Todd Beaird
Todd Beaird BA ’88, JD ’91 writes: “I will be spending more time on the Lewis & Clark campus as my daughter, Kayla, has started her freshman year there as of fall 2023! And so a second generation will stand behind the Frank Manor House and gaze in awe on Mount Hood–at least on the few days where it’s not hidden behind the clouds. Kayla’s current plan is to study environmental science, possibly continuing on to Lewis & Clark Law School to study environmental law (although we all know plans can change over four years). ‘Whoa, oh, what I want to know is where does the time go?’”
Todd Beaird BA ’88, JD ’91 will be spending more time on the Lewis & Clark campus soon, as his daughter, Kayla, will begin her first year there as an undergraduate in fall 2023! And so a second generation will stand behind the Manor House and gaze in awe on Mount Hood…at least on the few days where it’s not hidden behind the clouds. Kayla’s current plan is to study environmental science and possibly continue on to Lewis & Clark Law School to study environmental law, although we all know plans can change over four years. “Whoa, oh, what I want to know…where does the time go?”
Todd Beaird BA ’88, JD ’91 relocated to Dallas with his wife, Jenny, and daughter, Kayla, to take a corporate vice president position with New York Life Insurance.