Jonathan Burton


Jonathan Burton BA ’83 is finishing his final term as a member of the Lewis & Clark Board of Alumni. He’s found alumni board service a meaningful way to give back to the college. Burton is a commentary editor and columnist at financial news website MarketWatch, coming full circle from his days as opinion editor of the Pioneer Log. This past year, he and his family welcomed a high school exchange student from Germany and a cocker spaniel puppy, both of which carried enough wattage to warm and brighten his San Francisco home.


Jonathan Burton BA ’83 says he didn’t expect in May 1983 that Lewis & Clark would provide him with lifelong friends; a satisfying career as a journalist; and appreciation for learning, teaching, and listening. The journalism profession has taken him around the world and is never boring. Now, he’s a commentary editor for and has come full circle from writing opinion articles for the Pioneer Log at Lewis & Clark. Burton has served as a member of the Board of Alumni, an informal resource for the Pioneer Log. He was also a runner for L&C’s Pio-neering Hood to Coast Relay team in 2016.