Printed Correspondence Templates

Use a printed correspondence template to create letters you want to print out in your office on paper Lewis & Clark letterhead. Communications suggests you use Times at the 12pt size for your Lewis & Clark correspondence.

We provide templates in the form of Microsoft Word files. These versions are available:

Both versions are designed to be compatible with any of our standard Lewis & Clark printed letterhead options.

How to Use These Files

  1. Identify which version you need and click on the link to download the corresponding file.
  2. Open the downloaded file. Instructions appear within the document.
  3. Select and type over the sample text to create your letter. To maintain consistency across Lewis & Clark communications, please use only the special “LC” styles shown in the Styles menu for this file. To avoid printing over any elements on your paper stationery, do not change the headers.
  4. Select Save As and rename this file to save your letter. Continue to change your text as necessary.
  5. When you are satisfied with your letter, delete any remaining sample text—and the instructions—from your document. Print on your paper letterhead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t I need a version specific to my school?

No. These templates are designed to work with your paper Lewis & Clark stationery, which is already imprinted with your school’s logo signature. If you examine the templates, you’ll find that there are protected “blank” areas to prevent you from inadvertently printing over the elements that already appear on your paper letterhead.

What is the difference between the “single-page” file and the “multiple-page” file?

As you may know if you work with long letters, regular letterhead should be used only for the first page. The second and any subsequent pages appear on sheets that are blank or have a simplified design. To accommodate longer correspondence, we offer a multipage file that will automatically format second and subsequent pages correctly. If you don’t know whether your letter will exceed a single page, we suggest you use the multiple-page file. It will contract in size if it turns out your letter fits comfortably on a single page.

Can I customize these templates?

We provide these templates for your convenience only. If you prefer to work without a template, or if you want to alter one of these on your own to suit your needs, you are free to do so. Please keep in mind, though, that your Lewis & Clark correspondence should always be professional in appearance.