Spiritual Life Lounge & Offices


The Center for Spiritual Life is located in the lower level of the Agnes Flanagan Chapel.  This space is open to students to enjoy — it’s a lovely, quiet space for studying, reading, meeting a friend, or lying down for a rest.  We have tea, coffee, and occasionally treats available for our visitors.  Please say hi when you stop by!

Room 105: Student Worker Workroom

Room 106: Christian Student Organizations

Room 107: the Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life, Hilary Martin Himan

Room 110: Hillel Lounge and Staff Affiliates, Linoy Yechieli, Hannah Sherman, Jesse Weiss, Andy Friedland

Room 112: Meditation and Prayer Room

Room 113: Inner Room - Muslim Student Association and Muslim Prayer Room 

Room 113: Outer Room - Earth Based Paganism & Spirituality , Hindu Student Union