Grievance Procedure

Complaints Against Faculty, Staff or Other Employees of Lewis & Clark College

In the event a student believes that the procedures described in the Student Disability Policy have not been followed properly or feels that any action has been directed against them because of a disability or perception of a disability by a College faculty or staff member, the student may (1) attempt to resolve the matter informally or (2) immediately file a formal grievance, at the option of the student.

File a Formal Grievance

To resolve the matter informally, the student should first meet with the Director of the Office of Student Accessibility, Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Education & Counseling, or the Associate Dean of Student Affairs for the Law School, as appropriate, to see if the matter can be resolved. If the student has concerns about meeting with either of these people, they can meet with the appropriate department head or dean of the division concerned, and that person will try to resolve the matter.

If the student chooses to file a formal grievance, the following steps should be followed:

  1. The student shall file a formal grievance within 180 calendar days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation. The student shall file the complaint in writing to the Dean of the Graduate School of Education & Counseling, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, or the Dean of the Law School, as appropriate. The complaint shall contain the name and address of the person filing it and a brief description of the alleged violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act or of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or other appropriate law.
  2. The official to whom the complaint is submitted shall convene a committee within two weeks of receiving the complaint unless prohibited by unusual circumstances. The committee shall be made up of two faculty members who have not had the student in class, the appropriate Dean, the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Wellness Services & Chief Psychologist, or another disinterested professional familiar with the type of disability involved.
  3. The committee shall hear testimony or receive written testimony from the student; Office of Student Accessibility staff, Graduate School of Education & Counseling staff, or Law School staff, as appropriate; the relevant faculty or staff member(s); and other knowledgeable people. The student has the right to ask for testimony from any faculty or staff whom they deem relevant to the case.
  4. After hearing testimony and/or reviewing pertinent documents, the committee shall report its conclusions in writing to the complainant and all other relevant parties within five working days. The decision of the committee is final.


Complaints Against Students

If a student believes that they are a victim of discrimination or harassment by another student because of a disability, they may initiate a grievance procedure by contacting one of the following College representatives as appropriate:

  • The Director of Office of Student Accessibility
  • The Dean of Students
  • The Dean of the Graduate School of Education & Counseling
  • The Associate Dean of Student Affairs in the Law School

Undergraduate students should consult the section entitled “Discrimination and Harassment” in the Lewis & Clark student handbook, The Pathfinder, in order to obtain further information about grievance procedures and the adjudication of formal complaints.

Policy approved July, 1998. Pronouns and position titles updated July, 2019.