Editing the Institutional Homepage

Web editors’ guide for the institutional homepage

Note: All the image sizes listed below are the ideal minimum image size. It’s fine to upload a larger image, or a slightly different aspect ratio. The image will be center-cropped to fit. You can also use the image editor crop too to select the crop for each image.


Homepage Quotes

Shows 5 random live Homepage Quote profiles from the 2021 Homepage group. These can feature students, alumni or faculty.

These profiles are completely separate from any other profiles. The detail page for these profiles never appears - they all link to another webpage, profile or story. Please add a link in the profile editor.

Upload a 2880px x 1380px jpeg image as the main image, then choose a square crop of the person’s face to appear in the little circle on the left hand side. The image caption appears bottom-right. 

If the uploaded image has a different shape or size, it will be cropped to the right dimensions. 



Edit Page to change the introduction. Please keep the introduction shorter than the image next to it. 

The header “Lifelong Success” is a header 2. The shield appears next to header 2 in the introduction. 

The Apply and Visit buttons are hardcoded.

The introduction image on the left, is a random starred image from the Homepage Introduction image collection in the 2021 Homepage group. Please upload a 1100px x 1100px image and star it to show. All images will appear as a square. 


Homepage Gallery

Shows up to 20 random starred images/videos from the Homepage Gallery image collection in the 2021 Homepage group. 

You can add videos by adding a new image: upload the video still, then enter the YouTube link on the right hand side. Please star no more than 3 videos at one time, to keep the homepage speedy!

Please upload 1580px x 1000px images. All images appear with the same dimension. Larger images will be cropped. You can also crop the image by clicking the crop tool in the images editor. Select the custom crop Homepage Gallery. Once you crop the image, it can’t be uncropped! 

Image Cropping Homepage Gallery


Get to Know Us

Shows 3 random live Vertical Video profiles in the 2021 Homepage group. You can get shared vertical videos and copy them into this group, or add new ones in this group. 


Explore More

5 Explore More profiles from the 2021 Homepage group appear in balloon order. If you have 20 profiles, the top 5 with the most balloons will appear.

Edit the profile or add a new one. The main profile title at the top doesn’t show on the website. Add the Eyebrow Headline (appears in orange), the Title (max 15 words) and the Link to another page or story etc.

Please upload a 930px x 930px image. All images will appear as a square. Use the crop tool in the profile editor to choose the square crop.

Tag the Explore More profile with instagram, facebook, youtube or tiktok for the social icon/link to appear.

The top-center square shows Statistics profiles: 3 random live Statistics profiles from the 2021 Homepage group (statistics images won’t appear).


News and Media Carousel

The top 6 stories from the 2021 Homepage group appear in a carousel. You can share linked copies of news stories from other groups, and adjust the headline to suit the homepage. Use balloons to prioritize them, otherwise newest stories appear first.

Please upload a 1110px x 660px image for each story. All stories need to have an image to appear. 

It’s possible to crop the image if you upload a new one (it doesn’t work if the image is already there).

Upload a new image, then click the crop tool. Select the custom crop Homepage News and Media to crop it with the right dimensions for the carousel. Once you crop the image, it can’t be uncropped. 

Homepage News crop

Homepage News Crop



The bottom area with “Lewis and Clark is…”

The three words are from a random homepage profile from the College: Admission group. The name and class year link to the profile details. 

The image in the background is completely separate from these profiles. It shows a random starred image from the Pre-Footer image collection in the 2021 Homepage group. Select images of a location or a group of people together; avoid images of a single person. Please upload a 2880px x 1430px image and star it to appear.