Shannon Brady '06

Shannon Brady ’06

Shannon Brady is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University. Her research examines how people make meaning of themselves and their environments, how institutional messages affect this meaning-making, and the consequences thereof for diverse outcomes including well-being, achievement, relationships, and health. By developing and testing social-psychological interventions, she seeks to advance theory, elucidate psychological dimensions of major social issues, and develop new ways to improve individual and community life. Before pursuing research full-time, she was a middle and elementary school teacher at Taopi Cikala Owayawa (Little Wound School) on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. She has a M.S. from Black Hills State University in Education and a PhD from Stanford University in Developmental and Psychological Sciences. When not researching or teaching, she enjoys making delicious things to eat, spending time in nature, playing board/card games, traveling, and spending time with her husband James and daughter Hannah.