July 18, 2019

Campus Accommodations for Early Arrivals

Helpful reminders to support new and continuing students who plan to arrive before the start of fall semester.

Isn’t it hard to believe we’ve already hit the mid-summer mark?  I hope the summer has provided you with some opportunities for rest and relaxation. As we all continue our preparations for Fall semester, Campus Living would like to remind you of the dates that new and continuing students can move into their rooms on campus.

  • New students are expected to arrive for New Student Orientation on Wednesday, August 28 at 8 a.m. and will begin moving into their rooms at that time.  (Exceptions include student athletes involved in pre-season conditioning, new international students and TCKs and those students who are participating in New Student Trips prior to NSO.  These students are already cleared for early arrival.)
  • The residence halls and campus apartments open for continuing students on Sunday, September 1 at 9 a.m.

If you have need for your student worker to return early or you are requiring students to return to participate in special co-curricular activities prior to the dates listed above, it is important that you make us aware of those needs by Monday, August 5, 2019.  Please send the following information to living@lclark.edu:  ID#, Student Name, and Arrival Date.  Campus Living will be happy to cover the cost of the room, however, given current budget constraints, it will be your responsibility to cover the cost of food for your students.  For new students, that cost would begin. on their arrival date until NSO begins on August 28 with the lunch meal.  For continuing students, the cost must also include the period between August 28 through August 31.  The meal plan begins for all residential students on Sunday, September 1.

If you plan to provide food to your student/s, you will be providing the following information to Scott Brotherton (scott.brotherton@cafebonappetit.com) by Monday, August 5 as well.

  • Student ID#
  • Student Name
  • Total $ Amount for Food (Flex Points)
  • Your budget code for the charges

The daily rate for food in Fields Dining Room for pre-fall meals is $21.70 ($5.10-B, $8.30-L, $8.30-D).  It will be up to you to decide how many flex points to give to the student/s in your program or office.  Bon Appetit will not allow students access to Fields without flex points unless they plan to pay cash at the door.  Flex points added by departments do not have an expiration so if your student budgets the flex points, they will carry over into the fall semester.

Once we know who is arriving early, we will be able to ensure that access to student rooms is as efficient as possible.  Please help us remind early arriving students that if they have items in our storage rooms, access to their belongings will be very limited while our Resident Advisors and professional staff are in training (beginning August 19) and preparing the halls for opening. Likewise, students who have permission to move-in early are not allowed to have overnight guests nor are they permitted to allow their roommates access to the room/apartment.

Thanks in advance for your help and cooperation.  Please call Campus Living at ext. 7123 if you have any questions.