Saleth Sierra Lovo

Saleth Sierra Lovo

UWC attended: United World College of South East Asia (Singapore)
Class Year: 2027

When they talk about the UWC experience the first thing that comes to mind are the people I met. Each one being a different and unique individual who brought a different perspective to what I currently knew. One of my favorite memories is when we would all sit around a large table and several discussions would come up from each side. On one edge of the table was the environmental activist, talking about how climate change is affecting his country. In the other corner was another girl giving her opinion about social injustices. And almost in the middle of it all, there was always someone trying to practice a language with the native speaker. All of this represented what UWC is for me, having a mutual understanding about each other’s point of view and learning about said differences.

From the moment I applied to Lewis & Clark College they were supportive of me throughout the entire process. I think that’s one of the highlights of what I like most about the school, as I feel that they are more than willing to help me with whatever I need. I must also add that the campus is simply beautiful and looks like it came straight out of “Pride and Prejudice”. On the other hand, the study abroad programs interest me a lot and I know that Lewis & Clark College has many options to travel around the world.

Furthermore, I have been determined from the beginning to pursue a major in International Affairs and a minor in Environmental Studies. This is because I have had several experiences during my life that have led me to connect with politics and the environment. For example, I remember when my global politics professor talked to me about what politics meant to him. Bear in mind that he is a very well qualified individual (PhD), he told me that politics was about love. This really touched my heart and made me understand that my purpose was to help others, and the means by which I would do so would be through politics. On the other hand, I come from a country that is quite rich in nature and I would like to help preserve and protect these resources.

Moreover, one of my biggest hobbies outside of academics is singing and enjoying music. I don’t think there isn’t a moment in the day when I’m not listening to some tune, from punta hondureña to Rocío Dúrcal’s romantic ballads. However, I consider myself a pretty curious person to learn new things, so on several occasions I will try new hobbies just for the fun of it. In particular, I was in gymnastics classes for 1 year at UWCSEA because I really wanted to experience what it was like to do somersaults on a trampoline and come out alive after doing it.

Additionally, something interesting about me is that I am someone incredibly expressive, from my eyes to all my facial features they will say everything that my words sometimes fall short to say. This is something I have to live with on a daily basis, to be honest I think it is a quality to feel and show others how you feel about them. For this, I believe I am a romantic about life and it is something I let others know through my gestures. A smile to a stranger or a giant laugh because I’m really having a good time. All of that characterizes me as Saleth.

Also, during my two years at UWCSEA several gates were opened in front of me, many of these were to travel and get to know other parts of the world. For instance, I was able to get to know some countries in Southeast Asia, as they are close to Singapore. I was also fortunate to visit two European countries and I had the experience of traveling within Central America. All this made me understand that traveling is something that brings me happiness and I want to be able to do it more in the future.

Finally, what I most hope to accomplish at Lewis & Clark College is to be able to understand the new culture I will be exposed to and hopefully share some of my own and what I have learned over the years.