Hello From the Dean

One of the distinctive qualities of Lewis & Clark Law School is the entrepreneurial spirit of many of our faculty who have created clinics, centers, and institutes over the years.

Dear alumni and friends,

One of the distinctive qualities of Lewis & Clark Law School is the entrepreneurial spirit of many of our faculty who have created clinics, centers, and institutes over the years.

Our law school clinics give students firsthand experience in putting theory into practice. In our clinics, students interview clients, conduct research, prepare legal briefs, develop contracts, and sometimes appear in court. This experience fosters a successful jump start for our graduates as they pursue their new legal careers.

Perhaps equally important, though, are the clinics’ impact on the community. Our clinics work with people who have little access to legal services as well as those who are working to protect natural resources, endangered wildlife, and animals.

Clinic work also advances the law. Student research, under the purview of their professors, enhances our understanding of existing laws and systems. Our students provide factual data for legislators, district attorneys, and advocacy groups working to refine laws for the better.

In this Advocate magazine, our alums tell the stories of seven clinics at the law school. These alums have a unique perspective as they look back and assess the impact of these clinics on their career. 

In other news, we’ve been busy upgrading our campus. We now have an official entrance to the law school with a welcoming plaza thanks to Thom Sunderland ’14 and his family foundation. Also, classrooms 1–4 have all been completely renovated to enliven our students’ learning experience.

Come and visit!

Warmest regards,

Jennifer Johnson
Dean and Erksine Wood Sr. Professor of Law