April 15, 2024
OSA Accommodations Reminder
Guest Columnist: Aimee Milne
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Greetings LC students!
With the end of the spring semester approaching, I wanted to share some important information and deadlines for the offices I oversee: the Office of Student Accessibility, the Student Health Center, and Health Promotion and Wellness.
The Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) has some important deadlines if you are a student who currently uses academic accommodations.
- April 19th, noon, is the last day to request to take your semester and final exam proctoring. Information on how to schedule your exams can be found here. No exams are proctored on Reading days.
- April 19th is also the last day to request accommodations and send your letter to professors.
- OSA’s drop-in hours (weekly Mondays and Thursdays from 1-3 p.m.) for the semester will end on April 25th.
During the month of April, the Student Health Center has partnered with your ASB Health and Wellness Committee to offer a $55 subsidy for a series of STI tests.
Appointments are limited, so schedule yours today! FYI, the Student Health Center will close to student appointments on May 3rd at noon and re-open on September 3rd for the first day of classes in Fall 2024.
The Office of Health Promotion and Wellness is spearheading events on campus this month to mark Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a national campaign aimed at raising awareness about sexual assault and preventing sexual violence. Visit last week’s Bark guest column to learn about how you can get involved.
Enjoy these last few weeks!
Aimee Milne
Associate Vice President of Student Health and Accessibility
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