A picture of Joann

Joann Zhang (she/her)

Director of Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement

Fowler Student Center 324

Joann identifies as a First-Generation college graduate and professional!

Undergraduate Major: Education with a minor in Chinese

Graduate Degree: Student Services Administration

How do you Self-Identify?: Second-generation Chinese-American, she/her

What does IME mean to you?
IME, to me, is beautiful, special, and essential. Members from historically underrepresented communities are not often thought of during the design of higher education. IME challenges that narrative with hopes that education, different lived experiences, and diverse identities will make a better tomorrow. We aim to create a sense of community and belonging for students, as sometimes, you need a community to fall back on; we are here for that. IME is fun, challenging, and thought-provoking. If you’re looking to learn, explore and/or be in a community with others; come connect with us!

Dear LC students, you can ask me about: Being first-generation and being in college, being a child of immigrant parents, growing up in Oregon, exploring our identities, and needing a pep talk, career and life in general. Outside of work - I love being outside!! Hiking, paddling, etc. I am trying new food and attempting to cook more.