Magalí Rabasa

Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, Director of Ethnic Studies

Miller Center for the Humanities 309, MSC: 30
Office Hours:

Wednesdays 9:00-11:00am // Google meet: Make appointment via Google Calendar

Magalí Rabasa joined the faculty of Lewis & Clark College in 2016. She received her PhD from the University of California, Davis in Cultural Studies with an emphasis in Feminist Theory and Research in 2014. Her research and teaching focuses on networks of social movements and alternative media in the Americas, with a particular focus on the US, Mexico, and Argentina. She has published articles and commentary in the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, A Contracorriente, Anthropology Today, Tabula Rasa, La Jornada, Rebelió, and Herramienta, and her translations include the “Subalternisms” entry by Ileana Rodríguez in the Dictionary of Latin American Cultural Studies (University Press of Florida, 2012). She is co-editor of Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Aid in the Covid-19 Crisis (Pluto Press, 2020) and Somos una imagen del futuro (Bajo Tierra Ediciones, 2019). Her first book, The Book in Movement: Autonomous Politics and the Lettered City Underground (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019; and in translation: Tren en Movimiento Ediciones/Tinta Limón Ediciones, 2021; Bajo Tierra Ediciones, 2022; Kikuyo Editorial, 2023) is an exploration of print book culture in current Latin American social movements. 

Academic Credentials

Dr. Rabasa received her PhD from the University of California, Davis in Cultural Studies with an emphasis in Feminist Theory and Research in 2014. She received her BA from the University of Oregon in Spanish and International Studies, with a minor in Latin American Studies.

Location: Miller Hall