The locker naming opportunity is the perfect way to support Pioneer Football and leave legacy in the newly renovated football locker room. As a member of the Pioneer family we invite you to make your commitment today. All gifts will go to help support Pioneer football program.
Each locker will feature a plaque engraved with the sponsors’ individuals name followed by position, years played and hometown. Text may be modified to accommodate families and corporations. Lewis & Clark Athletics reserves the right to approve all text prior to production.
This is a $1,500 commitment which can be paid in full or installments of $500 over a three-year period.
Please indicate how you would like your name to appear on your locker’s plaque.
All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.
voice 503-768-7900
Vice President for AdvancementJosh Walter
Advancement OfficeLewis & Clark615 S. Palatine Hill Road Portland OR 97219