Phil Thwaits


Phil Thwaits BS ’76 enjoys an active retirement in the Atlanta area, playing golf, basketball, and poker as well as fishing, biking, and seeing the world. He retired nine years ago at age 60 after 32 years with a plastic injection molding company. After graduating from L&C, he made stops in Seattle, Long Beach, California, and Erie, Pennsylvania, before settling in Atlanta. He earned an MBA from UCLA along the way. Thwaits has been married for 36 years after meeting his wife, Lori, on an airplane. They have four children (two boys, two girls) and one grandchild, with a second on the way. He cherishes the friends he met at L&C and his many memories, including an off-campus job as a tour guide at Blitz-Weinhard, which included free beer as part of the compensation package.