The draft strategic imperatives are the result of over a year of engaging with the Lewis & Clark community.
- In early 2023, the Board of Trustees discussed Lewis & Clark’s distinctive strengths among peers, how we might advance a strategic vision, and the role of shared governance in achieving success.
- In October 2023, Executive Council discussed the current strengths and weaknesses of the institution while also looking ahead at future opportunities and threats. Also, EAB presented to and led a broad conversation with the Board of Trustees on the state of the higher education sector and best practices in dynamic strategy planning.
- In December 2023, a group of faculty and staff participated in a workshop facilitated by EAB to address the question, “Why would a student choose us over competitors?”
- In January 2024, a group of faculty and staff participated in a presentation and exercise, led by EAB, on how the best practices of futurists can be applied to strategic planning.
- In March 2024, we hosted a Big Ideas Workshop with faculty and staff. This kicked off proposals for new initiatives or for the enhancement of existing activities, with a focus on potentially transformative ideas that will resonate with donors and advance the key themes identified in the strategic planning process. Our new strategic plan will form the framework of our next comprehensive fundraising campaign, so we must think about how our themes and ideas will appeal to our prospective donors.
- In April 2024, we held an in-person Strategic Plan Big Ideas and Initiatives Workshop, facilitated by EAB, for faculty and staff who’d begun formulating new plans or thinking about the enhancement of existing activities. This was an opportunity to work on translating ideas into strategic proposals due May 31.
- From June to August, Executive Council completed an initial review and assessment of Big Ideas proposals and used them to inform a first draft of the strategic imperatives to be shared with faculty and staff in September.
email strategicplan@lclark.edu