April 30, 2012

Compensation adjustments and increases

Compensation adjustments and increases

This past fall Executive Council and Human Resources renewed their efforts to identify administrative positions that are most under-compensated relative to our labor market and to improve compensation for those positions. Increases for positions identified in this process will be effective June 1, 2012, and all employees receiving raises have been notified.

So there is no confusion, regular salary increases for administrative staff will still be made effective September 1. Beginning this year and continuing into the future, the College will delay notification of salary increases for faculty and administrative staff until later in the summer, when we have a clearer understanding of what net tuition revenue levels will be. Please remember that net tuition revenue remains our single largest income source, and compensation our largest expense.

By making compensation commitments at a point on the calendar when we are better able to forecast actual revenue, we will be freed from the necessary caution that goes with determining salaries earlier in the process. To put it another way, this change in timing allows us to be more confident about funding competitive salary increases.

Carl Vance

Vice President for Business and Finance