Editing the Grad Homepage

Note: All the image sizes listed below are the ideal minimum image size. It’s fine to upload a larger image, or a slightly different aspect ratio. The image will be center-cropped to fit. You can also use the image editor crop tool to select the crop for each image.


Grad Homepage Hero

Shows a random, live Grad Homepage Hero profile from the Grad: 2022 Grad Homepage group.

Upload a 2880px x 1380px jpg image. Larger images will be cropped.

Add the profile title (appears large over the image) and the Hero Text (appears smaller over the image). 

The “Programs and Degrees” button is hardcoded into the grad-hero widget template format.

Grad Homepage Hero


Grad Homepage Introduction

Edit Page to change the introduction header and text. The header is a header 2.


Our Community (and News and Media)

Top Story

The top featured story is a random starred news story from the Grad: 2022 Grad Homepage group. The main quote should be placed in the Optional Text field within the news story.

Optional Text field in news stories

Secondary Stories (News and Media section) 

The news slider shows the top 6 unstarred stories from the Grad: 2022 Grad Homepage group, excluding any story tagged “profile”.

You can share linked copies of news stories from other groups, and adjust the headline to suit the homepage. Use balloons to prioritize them, otherwise newest stories appear first.

All stories need an image. Images are cropped to 1110px x 660px.

Custom Image Crop Tool

To crop an image on upload, click the crop tool. Select the custom crop Homepage News and Media to crop it with the right dimensions for the carousel. Once you crop the image, it can’t be uncropped.

Homepage News crop


Grad Homepage Gallery

Shows up to 20 random starred images/videos from the Grad Homepage Gallery image collection in the Grad: 2022 Grad Homepage group.

You can add videos by adding a new image: upload the video still, then enter the YouTube link on the right hand side. Please star no more than 3 videos at one time, to keep the homepage speedy!

Please upload 1580px x 1000px images. All images appear with the same dimension. Larger images will be cropped.

Custom Gallery Image Cropping

You can also crop the image by clicking the crop tool in the images editor. Select the custom crop Homepage Gallery. Once you crop the image, it can’t be uncropped.

Image Cropping Homepage Gallery


Faculty Highlights

Shows the top 6 Grad Faculty Highlights  profiles from the Grad: 2022 Grad Homepage group. (Make sure you hide old ones for easier editing.)

Go to profiles > Faculty Highlights and add the persons name, title and subtitle. Add a link to the faculty highlight page or story, if there is one. 

Images appear at 340px x 430px. An image is required.