Hey everyone!
My name is Luca, I’m from Germany and I recently graduated from UWC Robert Bosch College. My time at UWC really changed me, challenged me and empowered me to be who I am today. One thing that particularly influenced my experiences at UWC and something that I personally cherished the most during my time there were the many conversations I had with people- from the shallow ones in our dining hall about the weather to the very personal ones about one’s past. These talks allowed me to form deeper connections with people. At home in my family, everyday conversations play a big role in staying up to date with each other’s lives and hence bond as a family. Therefore, at UWC these conversations allowed me to make friends that are like family to me and give me a sense of being home.
But as it is with every stage of one’s life the one of UWC also came to an end and the two years passed faster than I thought. Hence, I was searching for a place that could offer me a similar setting- a diverse and active student body that engages the whole community, challenging academics and a location close to nature. And I found Lewis & Clark. I first heard about Lewis & Clark more than a year ago when my then roommate was accepted and explained to my why she was planning on attending this college. Talking to her, a person who I trust and who knows me well, a year later while I was making my decision where to go made committing to Lewis & Clark easier because I knew that she gave me an honest idea of what life on campus looks like and of how I would fit in.
Therefore, I currently plan on majoring in Sociology/Anthropology and Biology as both areas explore the complexity of life with very different methods and focuses which I am very curious to learn more about. Other academic interests of mine are politics, international affairs and foreign languages and hence I hope that the liberal arts system will benefit me and allow me to continue my studies of these areas too while taking classes in my majors. My goal for my academics is that the challenges and the learning will empower me to contribute to my communities which is very important to me personally as one can not only take but must also always give back.
Outside of the classroom I have been involved in community service projects with for example refugee children and mentally disabled teenagers in the past and I would love to continue that work during college. Additionally, activism also plays a big role in my life as I was an elected member of the national UNICEF youth council of Germany for two years lobbying for children’s rights to be recognized in the German constitution. As an LGBTQ* person I also participate in queer activism through for example the RAHM LGBTQ* leadership contest and local queer groups.
Overall, one thing I hope to accomplish at Lewis & Clark is to contribute to the college community through my interests, stories and attitudes- in and outside of the classroom. My goal is to inspire and get inspired and to use these valuable experiences to create a fairer and more peaceful society.
International Students and Scholars (ISS) is located in Fowler Student Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 192
email iso@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-7305
fax 503-768-7301
Associate Dean of Students and Director Brian White
International Students and Scholars (ISS)
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219