Learning Remotely

  1. Check your email often and communicate with your professor if you have any questions.
  2. Use the course website, which is most often a Moodle or Google Classroom page
  3. Clarify with your instructor on the mode of delivery for class going forward. Instructors may choose to use Zoom or Google Hangouts Meet for synchronous class meetings (everyone virtually meets in the same digital location at the same time) or choose to rely on email and/or class webpages for asynchronous learning (there are no class meetings and learning is done independently via posted course materials, online discussions, pre-recorded lectures/videos, etc.) For more information on videoconferencing options, visit our pages on using Zoom and Google Hangouts Meet.
  4. Collaborate with your classmates and project partners using Google Drive to work on documents and presentations.
  5. Stay connected with the community on social media! This is going to be a difficult time for a lot of people, and keeping the vibrant LC community thriving will be important to everyone’s mental health.
  6. Extend grace to your professors - they are doing their best to move your learning experience online quickly, and may appreciate some kind feedback or suggestions. They will definitely appreciate your patience and resilience.
  7. Make an agreement with your roommates or housemates to limit streaming non-academic content (or playing games) while you are participating in course-related virtual meetings. 
  8. Comcast Xfinity and AT&T are offering some options for access off campus if that is an issue for you. Airtable Pro is offering a free subscription to students to help manage their work.
  9. Start a new window for your video-conferencing meetings so that you aren’t distracted by your other open tabs. People aren’t as good at multitasking as they think!
  10. Wipe down your keyboard, mouse and touchscreens regularly, and, of course, wash your hands.
  11. For more tips and tricks on learning remotely:
    1. Study habits in the age of COVID-19
    2. Zoom’s tips & tricks for participating in online learning
    3. Common mistakes to avoid as a new online student
    4. How students develop online learning skills
    5. Student written toolkit for students