Logistics Tour

(Amy Huang and Tom Wilson)

Logistics Talking Points – Mini Tour

I- Start at the International Students and Scholars (ISS) office- 3rd Level of Templeton.  This is also the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA)  and Student Transition and Experiences. (STE).

Introduce people to the office— who works there and what can be done there.

Immigration: Remember to check in with the ISS before (1) dropping a class; (2) doing an internship off campus; (3) taking a semester off; (4) moving; (5) going home; (6) going to Canada or Mexico; (7) working.

Oregon State ID cards or Driver’s Licenses: You may obtain an Oregon ID/Driver’s License by going to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). Check in with ISS before going to the DMV because more stringent rules were put in place by the DMV in July of 2008. You will need a letter from the ISS. You may go to the Mt. Park (Oswego Town Center) DMV or to the DMV in downtown Portland. Maps and DMV manuals can be picked up at the ISS if in stock. If possible, show them a DMV manual and map/shuttle schedule. Website:  http://www.lclark.edu/offices/international/oregon_id/

Linens: Remember that linens are available for purchase in Int’l Students and Scholars. The linens are reasonably priced. Compared to Fred Meyer these tend to be cheaper but not as colorful. Speaking of Linen.. when you need to do laundry”¦

Laundry cards: On campus students will get a laundry card upon check in at their residence hall. It has a value encoded on the card, enough to do one load of laundry. The card is like cash. If it is lost, you can buy another card at WEB card stations in Fields Dining Room or in the Student Recreation Room in East Hall. You can add value to the cards by putting in , , or dollars into the WEB card stations. The stations do NOT take bills. Have a Laundry card on hand to show the students.

II- Move to Fields Dining Room & Bon Appetite Offices

ID cards: Do not loan your ID card to anyone. Remember that each time you use your card to enter a residence hall on campus, your entry is recorded. Note, too, that all phone calls to campus safety are recorded.

Buying Points: Bon Appetit can add points to a student’s ID card for use in the cafeteria,Trailroom, Maggie’s, etc. The points can be used at any time. One point equals one dollar. To add points, go to the Bon Appetit Main Office at the front of Templeton Center.

III- Move to Second Level of Templeton by the Computer Labs

Computer labs: Generally open 24 hours a day. You need your login and password to use these computers. Explain about printing and printing allotment.

E-mail: See website handout: http://www.lclark.edu/offices/international/admitted/communication/

E-mail forwarding: See website:  http://www.lclark.edu/information_technology/information_systems/accounts/vacation_forward/

Web Advisor: All of your information about your classes (schedule, registration, grades, etc.) are available to you 24 hours a day through Web Advisor. The Registrar’s Office no longer mails grades to students (unless requested). You can access Web Advisor on the internet from any location in the world. Make sure you know how to use Web Advisor. If you have questions, please check with any staff member in the Registrar’s Office (basement of Templeton).

Another recent feature of Web Advisor is the “Account Statement.” You can now view your Lewis & Clark bill or account online. Just click on “My Account Statement.”

IV- Go to Mailboxes

L&C Mailboxes: Each student is assigned a private mailbox valid for the time he/she is enrolled at L&C. Your mailbox assignment should be in your NSO packet. Opening the mailbox is tricky. Students always think they have the wrong combination. Turn the knob left and go around three times. Then turn the knob right to the first number of the combination. Then turn the knob left and go past the first number and stop at the second number of the combination. Then, turn the knob right to go directly to the third number of the combination. Ask an NSO volunteer for help if you have trouble.

V- Go to ATM’s

ATM machine: Two ATM machines (both from US Bank) are located on the 2nd floor of Templeton Center, across from the Thayer Rooms. Students with accounts at US bank have free access to the machines. Students with accounts at other banks may use the US Bank ATM machines, but the bank charges a fee.

VI- Go to Telephone (around corner near KLC)

Telephones: See website handout: http://www.lclark.edu/offices/international/admitted/communication/

Voice Mail: http://www.lclark.edu/offices/international/admitted/communication/

VII- Move to Campus Living Offices in the basement of Templeton.

Point out the different offices.

Housing during breaks: L&C keeps at least one residence hall open during the long breaks at Christmas and between summer and fall semesters. Students who wish to stay on campus during the breaks are normally charged a fee—usually 0 for the Christmas break.

VIII- Go to Student and Departmental Accounts Office on Ground (1st) Level of Templeton

Cashing Checks: Students may cash personal checks of up to at the Student and Departmental Accounts Office. Students will need their L&C ID card.

Insurance: All L&C students are required to have health insurance during the academic year (late August through early May). You will be charged for L&C insurance unless you present proof that you are covered by another private insurance carrier. To waive insurance coverage, bring your insurance booklet (with address and telephone info) to International Students & Scholars. The waiver is done online. (https://www.aetnastudenthealth.com/hardwaiver/default.aspx?groupID=890438). The ISS can help you do it. For summer coverage, students must sign up directly with USI. Insurance is not added to the accounts of students enrolled in the summer.

IX- Other

Addresses: The L&C database, Colleague, is very complicated. Each student has many addresses on the system (e.g.: billing address, campus box, local address, permanent address, seasonal address, parent’s address, etc.). Students often think that if they change their address in one office, it will be changed in another. That is probably not the case.

When changing your address, ask to have your parent’s address changed as well, and ask what other office should be notified. You can also get help with this at ISS.