
Before you upload your video, we recommend adding some postproduction content such as name and title information for anyone interviewed, or an outro slide.

Video Name/Title Treatment

Name/Title Typography Specs

  • Font: Helvetica Medium (or Arial Bold). Use upper and lowercase (not all caps).
  • Size: Keep name and title the same size.
  • Leading (the space between lines of type): Standard 120% (e.g. 18 pt/21.6 pt)
  • Color: Black
  • Surrounding box: Use a white box with 90% opacity with 6 to 8 px of space around the text.

Visual example showing name/title typography for video

Name/Title Horizontal Placement

Visual example showing name/title horizontal for video Visual example showing name/title horizontal for video

Name/Title Vertical Placement

Using the lower third gridline from the rule of thirds, place the name block:

A above the gridline

B centered on the gridline

C below the gridline

Visual example showing name/title vertical for video Visual example showing name/title vertical for video

Video Intro and Outro Specs


Viewers decide within the first 10 to 20 seconds whether to watch a video all the way through, so you want to hook them with dynamic intro content. Make sure you have a good headline and description so that you can skip a logo or title and dive right in to your content! After that, show your most gripping points.


  • Include a call to action. Make it clear to the viewer what you want them to do next (give, register, respond, or whatever). This is usually a direction statement followed by a short web address. Brief is best. If you need to request a go address, contact Morgan Stone Grether or Lawrence Siulagi.
  • Credits. Keep them clean and simple. Do not use scrolling text/crawl. Either dissolve between screens or reveal one line at a time.

Video by
Music by
Still Images by

  • End the video with our logo slide. Download what you need from our video logo folder on Google Drive.

Visual example of final branding image for video Visual example of final branding image for video

Outro Typography Specs

  • Font: Helvetica Medium (or Arial Bold). Use upper and lowercase (not all caps).
  • Size: Keep the same point size for all words.
  • Leading (the space between lines of type): Standard 120% (e.g. 18 pt/21.6 pt)
  • Color: Maintain good contrast, and think about readability on a phone. Stick to our brand colors: black, white, orange.
  • Call to action placement: Center both horizontally and vertically.

Visual example of outro slide typography for video Visual example of outro slide typography for video

Credits Typography Specs

  • Font: Helvetica Medium (or Arial Bold). Use uppercase and lowercase letters (not all caps).
  • Size: Keep name and title the same size.
  • Leading (the space between lines of type): Standard 120% (e.g. 18 pt/21.6 pt)
  • Color: White on black background or black on white background.
  • Credits placement: Center both horizontally and vertically.

Visual example of credits typography for video Visual example of credits typography for video