How to forward your Lewis & Clark phone number

You have options for forwarding your Lewis & Clark phone number. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Service Desk.

From your desk phone
  1. Caveat: You may only be able to forward Line 1 directly from your desk phone. If you are having trouble forwarding another line, use the instructions for the Cisco Self Care Portal
  2. To forward directly to Voicemail
    1. Press the Fwd All button available at the screen
    2. Press the Voicemail button  voicemail button
  3. To forward to another number
    1. Press the Fwd All button available on the screen
    2. Enter a phone number
      Make sure to enter the number exactly as you would if you were to dial it from your phone at your desk. For any LC phone numbers, be sure to include the full 10 digit number (503768xxxx).
  4. To turn off, press the Forward off option at the screen
From the Cisco Self Care Portal
  1. Connect to GlobalProtect if you are on Wi-Fi or away from Lewis & Clark
  2. Go to the Cisco Self Care Portal at
    1. If you receive a warning that your connection to is not private or secure, please proceed past the warning
  3. Logon with your Lewis & Clark credentials
  4. You will be presented with a summary of the telephone(s) and phone number(s) associated with your account
    self care portal screenshot
  5. From the left column, choose Call Forwarding
    1. Under the phone number you would like to forward, click the box for “Forward calls to”.
    2. Choose Voicemail or “Add a new number” if you would like to enter another number.
      cisco self care screenshot
      1. If you choose to add a number, make sure to enter it exactly as you would if you were to dial it from your phone at your desk. For any LC phone numbers, be sure to include the full 10 digit number (503768xxxx).
Request the Service Desk to forward your phone number
  1. Contact the Service Desk
    1. Provide the phone number you would like to forward and the target phone number