Adjunct Faculty Computer Request Form

Adjunct Faculty Computer Request Form

Information Technology maintains a limited pool of computers specifically for Adjunct Faculty. If you would like to request a computer for yourself or your department’s adjunct faculty, please fully complete the form below. Only one faculty member per form submission.

Please read and agree to the Terms of Use for the Adjunct Computer Pool.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required text field
required date field
required e-mail address field
required text field
required text field
e-mail address field
Email for computer recipient.
required text field
required text field
required text field
required radio button field
Mac or PC or Does Not Matter?*
required radio button field
Networking confirmed at this location?*
date field
textarea field
textarea field
required text field
required radio button field
The Department Chair Has Approved This Request?*
required radio button field
You agree to the terms of use detailed above?*